Swimming Pool Admission Policy

  • Children under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by an adult (parent or guardian) on a one-to-one basics.
  • Children aged 5 years to 10 years need to be accompanied by an adult on two children to one adult basis, however if busy this may need to be one-to-0ne basics.
  • Children under the age of 10 years may use the changing room of the opposite gender.
  • If your child (up to 16 years old) needs assistance in the opposite gender changing rooms due to a disability or medical condition, we offer two options to accommodate you:

    1. Poolside Cubicles: We have three poolside cubicles that can be accessed either through the changing rooms or by arrangement with the lifeguard from outside.

    2. Changing Area Cubicles: If the poolside cubicles are not an option, you may use the cubicles in the changing areas. However, please seek prior permission before doing so.

    These measures are in place to ensure everyone can comfortably and safely use our facilities

  • Customers are requested to check water depth signs before using the pool and to not swim out of their depth.
  • Non-swimmers must confine themselves to the shallow end of the pool (A non-swimmer is someone who cannot swim 25 meters unaided and tread water for 30 seconds). Non swimming children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Swim Sessions are for a maximum 1 hour duration only.
  • Diving is ONLY allowed in the deep end of the pool.
  • No inappropriate swimwear or swimming suits that finish below the knee may be worn, unless such clothing is tight fitting and present no risk to safety.
  • Always listen to the lifeguards and follow their instructions
  • Please do not wear diving masks, snorkels, hand paddles, flippers or glass-leaned spectacles.
  • The use of cameras and video equipment is prohibited except with the prior permission of the manager on duty.
  • Please note all timetables are subject to change at short notice.
  • The duty Manager has the right to refuse admission to any person.
  • Groups of 6 or more must seek prior permission to enter or will be refused entry.
  • No violence or aggressive behaviour towards any member of staff will be tolerated.
  • There will be no issue or refunds if customers have to evacuate due to fire drill, false alarm, or an actual emergency.
  • Help keep our pool water clean. The water is tested regularly each day for its chlorine content, PH and temperature to make sure it is in accordance with national guidelines. More comprehensive weekly and monthly tests are also carried out to ensure your safety and enjoyment.
  • The water temperature is maintained at between 29 to 30 degrees to ensure the maximum water quality and bather comfort. The water in the pool is constantly filtered and disinfected and the filters are cleaned at least once per week. The pool is topped up with fresh water on an on going basics.

Jesmond Pool

An award winning social enterprise, operating as a charity since re-opening in 1992, we not only offer a full range of water activities, but also 2 gyms, a multi purpose dance and activity room, massage and therapy room and a poolside sauna and steam.

Jesmond Community Leisure is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales with the registered NO 2645699.

It is also a registered charity, no 1010563


Contact Information

Jesmond Pool, St. George's Terrace, Jesmond,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 2DL

+44 (0) 191 281 2482

Jesmond Pool and Gym